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[Saturday, August 9, 2003: Night falls.]

Most of the early acts weren't all that spectacular as I mentioned before, but it got interesting when the evening section started. Actually, the switch between the afternoon bands and evening bands didn't seem like much of a switch since the time it took to set up each band took so long anyway. During this time, one of the special treats we got was a flyby from one of the air force's CF-18s. The crowd hooped and hollared when the jet swooped over us, roaring over the crowd and making the crowd itself roar with pleasure. After a second pass, the plane did a salute and took off. Apparently there was another treat at the beginning of the concert where a paraglider came in off one of those air transports, but I wasn't there to witness it.

Some of the later afternoon acts were okay. Blue Rodeo was a local band which got some attention (since I actually knew some of the songs). But it was the evening bands that most of the crowd was waiting for. Well, if you exclude Justin Timberlake. Going through the list of performers, one would be blind not to notice how out of all of the big names in the second half of the concert, his name sticks out from the rest. Still it was nice that he showed up. I didn't actually see the water bottles being thrown at him, but there were the occasional squeals from female fans that dotted the crowd, and a rather large booing section that was behind and to the left of us.

I was never much of a Rush fan unfortunately, so their songs didn't really do anything for me. But it got really crazy when AC/DC came out. They had one of the longest sets (over an hour!) and they made good use of it. One crazy fan actually climbed up one of the speaker towers and waved his arms like a maniac during the entire set. He was still up there when it got dark and I don't know when (or if) he came down. Anyway, AC/DC rocked the house, and everybody was into the show. They played as the sun went down and didn't finish until after nightfall. I actually recognized (and sang to) most of their songs, which is strange since I don't actually listen to AC/DC. MJO would be proud of me. *nods*

Since they finished past nine, a good number of people started leaving the concert grounds. It was getting late, and for most of them, it was a long day. Some people did suffer heat stoke and heat exaustion, like the lady in front and to the right of us, but apart from that incident (and DE) I didn't see anyone else suffering from the heat. (Considering how much skin I saw, I'd actually say "turn it up!")

The Rolling Stones took the floor and for a bunch of seniors, they seemed to have more energy than a classroom full of children! The first few songs (apart from "Start Me Up") I didn't actually recognize, and probably neither did a lot of the other people since many started leaving in the middle of the set. But for those who stayed, they did start switching to their more popular tunes. They even had a number of guest apparences with some of the previous performers. Justin Timberlake sang a song with Mik, and the guitarist from AC/DC (I forgot his name) did a guitar duel with Keith Richards. One thing that caught my attention was when they used the video screen to show some.. er.. risqué animation. Considering that there were kids present here and there, I wonder if they were still present, and if so, what kind of questions they'd be asking their parents. "Daddy! Daddy! Why does that lady have no clothes on, and why is she riding that tounge?"

Anyway, their set ended earlier than anticipated, but the ending was abrupt, and obviously temporary. The lights went out and the stage went silent, but the crowd stayed, and the cheering got louder. Minutes later, the Stones came out for their first encore. After it was done, it was decided that our group would start to leave. I knew that the Stones were going to come out again, but I decided not to argue. They were my ride home. As we pushed through the crowd and tried to find our way to the designated meeting tree (which I have never been to and thus didn't know where it was located), the fireworks started up and I tried to catch a glimpse of them as we slowly shuffled our way to the exits. It was actually quite treacherous since there was so much trash and garbage lying around the grounds. Some were heaped up in mounds by people kicking the odd piece of trash aside, but it was literally a minefield of water bottles and cardboard. I do not envy the people who have to clean up after us.

After the fireworks were over, the Stones came out for another encore, which I couldn't really hear since we were off to the side of the stage and the sound was muffled. One song that I didn't hear was "Paint it Black". Two of the bands during the day did some solo riffs from that song, which wet our appetite for the headliners, but I was surprised that they didn't play it in their set (unless they did and I missed it at the end).

It took a long time to make our way to the exit. It was basically a big bottleneck since the fences were still up even though the gates were down. As JM and I oozed our way through the crowd, there was a cry from our left and we saw that a number of people had actually pushed down the fence and the crowd flooded into the open field like a severe hemmorage.

We didn't have any problems finding the rest of the group, but I was really itching to go to the washroom since I hadn't gone all day (I didn't drink all that much either, but still..). There were so many people leaving from the concert that all of the roads were flooded with people. Those who were "lucky" and found parking close to the concert were screwed because the throng of people clogged up all of the roads. It was interesting passing by all of these stopped cars since they weren't going anywere. The plan of parking far away was a very good one, except that it took us two hours to walk back to the cars. I was pretty darned tired by the time we made it back, and I really had to go to the washroom.

I told them where I was parked and was asked if I paid for the spot. I hadn't actually since the gate for the parking lot was open and there was lots of parking space. Someone mentioned that you needed to show a ticket of some sort or they might tow the car, and that started to get me worried. They hadn't done that before, but I knew they had (or thought of) implemented a paying standard even after rush hour, but the gate was open..

So when I was dropped off at the parking lot, I rushed inside and was relieved to find my car still in it's spot. Whew! I went back home without any incident.

Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 21:11:43 (UTC)

Well done with the AC/DC, young grasshopper. But then, I've been proud of you ever since you got that huge Slayer tattoo on your back...


Monday, August 25, 2003 at 03:30:43 (UTC)

Server logs?!? Curse their clandestine ways! *shakes fist*

So what say you to me putting up a link to your page?

So MJO, that Slayer tat.. *blink*

What Slayer tattoo?!?

<- tries looking in mirror.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:29:58 EDT

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