Ooh, allergies are still hitting hard and hitting often. Not too worry, I've got lots of facial tissue! *brandishes box*
So okay, it seems like the United Way CN Tower climb is read to go. The site's here for anyone interested.
I'm going to be spending the next couple of days sitting around. Ahh, relaxing..
Oh, the first aid course is starting up this week. Seven weeks of high intensity first aid and I should be all ready and preped for the slopes this year! Now all I have to do is to convince others to come on out..
I might be playing ultimate this weekend. The tournament for the Wednesday and Thursday teams is that weekend and LY invited me out to play. Tempting..
Actually, now that I've got some time to burn, I can finally start cleaning up my room. It's become quite a mess since the last time I vacuumed. *thinks* Wow, that was a LONG time ago..
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 16:56:33 (UTC)
I was doing a search for VanStrate and came across your site. Go figure. Anyway, it's good to see that you're still around out here. How goes life? It seems like ages since I last saw you.
Take care.
Katrina Roets
(previously Van Strate)
Katrina Roets <e-mail>