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[12:57 AM EST - I should be in bed.]

I got back from badminton and spent the last couple of hours cleaning up the food and finishing off some grapes. However, one of the grapes did look bad, but the rest were okay? I guess I will find out if any of them were bad when I wake up.

In other news, for those of you who follow 'Cyanide and Happiness', I noticed one of the strips had a something written on the blackboard:

x = k/cd

Is this a reference to 'xkcd'?


[6:49 PM EST - Driving Conditions: That was not rain.]

Before I left work, GWG was telling me that it was snowing outside. I took a look at the weather report and it said that the weather was partially cloudy, and nothing about rain, much less snow. I scoffed at him and told him that it was indeed snowing: somewhere up north.

As I stepped out of the building, I was amazed to see that it was raining. Hard. I am used to riding in the rain, but I never liked it. What was different with today was that it was also really cold, with the thermometer hovering around the low single digits. When I got onto the highway, I felt the rain striking me on my jeans and helmet. Fortunately, my gear was water proof. Unfortunately, I did not have anything on my legs except for my jeans.

Every now and then, I would get struck by something that felt like a pebble. With the temperature, wind, and rain, it was quite possible: ice. Still, it was much too warm for ice to form on the ground, which was what would have worried me the most, considering how much water was on the roads. But as I approached the large bridge that spanned the valley, I recalled seeing signs from previous years on previous roads: Bridge Ices.

That thought was racing through my mind when I was suddenly hit by a large gust of wind. It was more surprising than dangerous as I was on the middle of the bridge and there was a large crosswind blowing across the highway.

Soon after I got off the highway the rain stopped, and it got a lot easier to navigate. My pants still got soaked though.


[11:42 PM EST - Cereal on sale.]

I got back home from broomball a little while ago. The game was okay and we only had fourteen people show up, which led to a fair bit of running around. I had a lot of opportunities. Once when I was on a breakaway, I was able to shoot the ball past the goalie, only to have it bounce off the post. Fortunately, it bounced right back to me, but when I hit the ball, it went right into the goalie's lap rather than towards the net. Crap!

On the way back home, I stopped off to do some grocery shopping. I needed butter and noticed that it was on sale yesterday so I wanted to pick some up tonight. I also found out that cereal was on sale, and my favourite brand (Müslix) was really cheap! So I started taking box after box after.. hey, what was the expiry date on these things? *takes closer look*

December 2, 2007.

Uh, seeing that I still had my braces on, and that they would probably still be attached at the end of the year, I did not think that buying soon to be not best food was a wise choice. Besides, MJNL would throw it all out when she got back. Fortunately, I found three boxes of cereal at the back that have a best before date of in April 23, 2008 so I figured that I should be able to get through three boxes by then.

Oh man, I am tired. Off to bed!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:51 EDT

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