It was a bit of a last minute thing, but I wanted to make baklava for the family party taking place today, so we went out grocery shopping this morning (after a late breakfast) and picked up all of the ingredients that I wanted for the baklava. The second reason why I wanted to make baklava was because I wanted to use the new pan that I stole from the parents. It seemed to be the perfect size, and when I started laying down the phyllo pastry, I realized how close it was. There was virtually no waste, and when the baklava was done, I had made nearly twice as much of the tasty pastry than I normally do with my old pan. Sweet!
I should note that I had to let the phyllo thaw before using it, and during that time I organized the rest of my closet (with the help of MJNL) and now my closet is pretty much clean! More coat hangers would be nice, but I think I have other places to attack.
The party went well, MJNL's appearance was not as ground breaking as I thought it could have been. Why do I say "ground breaking"? Well, I am the first guy in our extended family to bring a girl to a party in the past.. ten years? More? Well, we will see how things go from here, but it was all good.
That and I won twenty bucks at poker.
We had some crazy rain today and I took a couple of photographs to prove it.
The rain went away as quickly as it came.
This was nearly as crazy as the weather from last winter.