I was semi-asleep during the shuttle ride to work, and it reminded me of something from when I was a kid.
When we were younger, we went on trips to Montreal every few months to visit our cousins. I usually slept with the boys, and girl slept with the girls. One night I was in bed first, but I had not completely fallen asleep. My cousins had come into the room and were trying to stay quiet since I was "sleeping". They started talking about me, and I could not stop myself from smiling. This got their attention, and they thought that I was having a good or funny dream. I could barely stop myself from laughing out loud by smacking my lips and faking a yawn.
To this day I do not know if they knew that I was not really sleeping..
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 15:53:39 (UTC)
You take a shuttle to work? Or is that your way of saying "the bus"?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 18:47:40 (UTC)
My dealership has a shuttle service area that includes my work area so I took advantage of it after dropping off my car.
Also, it was an SUV.