Well, I finished Titan Quest. It was if I was playing Diablo all over again. Graphics and gameplay have improved, but it's pretty much the same style of game. It's okay, but not fantastic though. As such, I didn't do all that much this weekend.
I spent some time doing a bit of cleaning around the apartment, and I went out for some groceries. (Just so that I can get on my bike.) Apart from that, I've been spending way too much time in front of the computer. (I haven't been updating either.)
I made pancakes this morning. I've had pancakes a number of times in the past few years, but I haven't made pancakes in a very long time. When girl left, the left a complete carton of pancake mix and I figured that I might as well try some of it out as I had nothing else to do in the morning. It took me a little while to figure out how to cook them properly (I used to much oil at first) but in the end, I was very happy with the choice. I might need to make more next time as one serving just wasn't enough. Either that or I need a few other sides..