Hey, it seems like the hill's closed today due to the weather, so I'll be able to relax a bit today.
I'm moving some things around on the site so that some files are inaccessible. We'll see if this works.
I guess I can go and play hockey today. Oi, I hope I'm not too tired..
I've moved all the non-public files out of the public directories, and things seem to be working fine so far. I may have missed a reference here or there, but hopefully things will be running smoothly.
Hmm, I can also move any included or required file to a non public area. Why didn't I find out about this before?!?
Oh well, I'll make the modifications after lunch.
I've moved the included files into a separate folder outside of the public folder. I'll have to go through and make sure that everything is working properly, but the place looks a lot cleaner now.
Anyway, I've got a hockey game to go to.
I went to hockey, and we had a fairly long and tiring game. We didn't have all that many people show up, and it was a larger rink, and we had a longer time slot (two hours) than usual.
It was good though. I needed the exercise.