Argh! The pollen count must be rising because my eyes are starting to get itchy. It's taking a lot of willpower not to rub them, but I also have to contend with my stuffy nose, aching joints, and whatever other ailments I've got right now.
Hey, MCC showed off a French Mr. Men book! (It was Mr. Chatterbox.)
She said that I was a combination of Mr. Tickle and Mr. Greedy.
The funny thing is that we had a discussion about this just this past week. I think it was with the ultimate folks at the restaurant on Sunday.
I'm slowly learning how to use SVG. I plan on using it to replace gnuplot as I want to rely less on third party programs and start focusing more on making the browser do most of the work. Mind you, we're still a long way from getting good support for SVG, but hopefully the next generation of browsers will be supporting it and that's why I'm working in this direction.
So when I'm feeling confident with my SVG ability, I'll be converting the Statistics page over from my PERL script to a PHP page. Hopefully that will be "soon".
Hockey tonight was okay. Our team did as well as we could considering that we were short benched. I also had a lot of mistakes on my part which caused a lot of goals on our side. It was unfortunate, and we eventually lost (by a fair margin). Ah well.