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[10:24 PM EDT - Well, that solves it.]

girl did some hunting and found out who shot Nice Guy Eddie in 'Reservoir Dogs'.


[10:33 PM EDT - Been busy.]

I've been busy this weekend. I hope I'll be able to catch up on stuff before I go to bed tonight.


[10:59 PM EDT - Dream Sequence: Girls on boats.]

I had a funky dream this morning. Well, it didn't smell funny, but it really got me thinking. It started off with me at some sort of high school. I was talking to this one high school girl, trying to get to know her or something (she was kinda cute, and I recognized her from somewhere else, but I can't remember who she is now). When in comes this younger high school girl (who looked like one of my students when I was TAing). This girl was cuter, so I started chatting it up with her, and eventually I managed to get both of them interested in meeting again.

So I went to do what I was supposed to do (whatever that was) and the next night when I got to school, I saw them drive in and met up with them in the parking lot. We hung out for a bit out there, but I had things to do inside, so I had to leave them..

I found myself overlooking a naval battle (set in the late 18th century), and I ended up jumping on one of the French ships with another British soldier. We both landed on the bridge where there were two French soldiers controlling the boat. The first was dispatched easilly, but the second one was able to keep the British soldier at bay. At that point, I decided to help out and pulled the trigger on the British soldier's pistol. The bullet missed and the soldier scolded me, telling me that he could handle this battle.

I decided to back off and let him handle the fight, but the French soldier started getting the upper hand so I decided to intervene again. This time I pulled the trigger and the bullet went through the Frenchman's chest. Again, the British soldier turned around to scold me, but the French soldier was not dead yet and was able to knock the British soldier off the ship. I decided to pick up a golf club and warned the Frenchman not to do anything silly.

I didn't have a gun on me, but I told the guy that I'd let him go if I got the ship. He agreed with this deal, so another French vessel pulled up next to us and he jumped across to the other ship. Now alone on the (small) boat, I went up to the mast to change the flag. It was already set to a flag denoting that the ship was being contested, and I looked for a British flag to switch with it. Unfortunately, I found an Australian flag, but the Union Jack was only one of those mini stickers and not a real flag. Without anything to put on the mast, I decided to leave it as it was and went to steer the ship.

Unfortunately, the ship was leaving the St. Lawrence river and heading into the ocean. A sign denoted the exit point and it had a Canadian maple leaf flag flapping over it. I mentioned that this recreation was good except that at this time, there was no Canadian maple leaf flag! Heck, there wasn't even a Canada!

Annoyed, I steered the ship towards the ocean, hoping to find the British fleet before the French decided to take their ship back..


[11:28 PM EDT - Disc Golf part deux.]

I got up a little late for practice, but I still made it down there not all that late. I had a good run, and we had a lot of people show up this time. Afterward, a bunch of us went out for lunch before heading down to play disc golf down at Centre Island. K, LY, Pokey, BMH, P, DWC, and Derelict came out to play. It was pretty fun actually.

Just before we got our tickets for the ferry, it started to rain. We had to make a decision: Should we cancel our plans to play and go inside to watch a movie, or head out to the islands in the hopes that the rain will stop and we'll get a good game on the links? LY made the executive decision to head out to the island rain or no, so we all tagged along. The rain really started to come down when we were boarding the ferry. We ended up sitting on the top deck (which was covered) but the support bars that crossed overhead dripped a lot of water. We had no idea where the water was coming from (as the planks above the beams themselves looked dry) but many sections of the ferry were quite wet, and getting wetter.

It was still raining when we got to the island, but it started to let up, and after several minutes, it was clear enough to walk around. Unfortunately, several minutes later, it started to rain again, and it came down fairly strong. We had to find shelter at the boat rental area until we were able to come out when the rain let up.

Fortunately, it didn't rain again until we were on the field, and that was only for ten minutes. By the time we were on our fourteenth hole, the sun started to come out and things started looking brighter.

I personally didn't play all that well. I screwed up a lot of those earlier shots and fell way behind. I wasn't able to catch up, but it was all good.

Afterward, most of us went for dinner before heading back home.


[11:35 PM EDT - So that's what Atom is..]

I did a quick search and came across a page that explains Atom. It's the same as RSS, so I'll see if I can set my journal update script to create these files on the fly.


[11:51 PM EDT - Adding a description.]

For this RSS or Atom thing to work, I need to start adding descriptions to my entries. Although most will probably be useless, it'll be good to have as any information can be useful.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:01 EDT

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Aristotle (From The Quotations Page.)