Ugh. I got up this morning and peeked at the clock. It read: 8:43. Apparently I didn't turn on the alarm last night. I remember wondering if I had turned it on or not, but I couldn't be bothered getting out of bed. Ah well.
I got a link from BMH to some pictures from last week's midseason tournament.
Oh, and I skipped out on breakfast because I was so late this morning. *sigh*
On top of that, I'm having a strange error occur when I'm entering new entries to the journal. I don't know why it started happening all of a sudden.
Apparently HT's leaving the company to run a restaurant. Whoa.
Apparently this girl is pretty smart.
LC came by the office this afternoon and saw me munching on some snacks. Despite my protestations, she gave me some leftovers from lunch. Now I'm compelled to eat it all!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to play badminton tomorrow due to my gimpy foot. Then there's that suggested from Squishy that I go watch "Shrek 2" while I can. *rubs chin*
When has she ever steered me wrong?
Ugh. I got a link on some Japanese ice cream that HT sent to me.