Apparently K.I.T.T. is for sale. (The link was found on the ShackNews.)
I heard about VW's BBQ about three days prior to the actual event and found out that it was a birthday party two days before. Let's just say that I wasn't very well prepared for presents and the like.
But I digress. I got up late today, but that was okay since I didn't have anything planned for the day. I ended up working on my site and some pages I wanted to update. I think I've got a plan now that I followed MJO's advice to set up groups to make the thing work.
I headed off to the party on my own. The usual suspects were there, and there was a lot of food. As always, whenever there's a lot of food at a BBQ, I tend not to eat all that much. I don't know why, but I guess when it comes to getting a lot of food that I could eat, I don't feel a need to eat my share. (Buffets for example.)
I ended up having some battles with KarmicMayan (my arm was so sore afterward) and I even chatted it up with NY a bit. That girl actually has some interesting things to say if you ask the right questions.
I spent some time playing on the Game Cube, but apart from sitting outside (watching JW and JM's antics) and sitting inside (watching the Game Cubers), I can't really remember much else of interest.