That's interesting. The broadband connection was down when I left for work, so my dad went to investigate and the link seems to be up again! That was pretty fast. I wonder what the problem was?
That's what happens when you have a small breakfast.
At least I found out where my So Cut shirt went. It was "borrowed" at the first game when I wasn't there and never returned!
girl sent me a link to an article on Tom's about nVidia's upcoming SLI product.
HT sent me pictures of his recently waxed car using the wax from that webside I mentioned a little while back. It looks good! Time for me to break out (or just break) that waxing arm?
In other news, PRQ keeps all of his old e-mail. That's no hyperbole. No more (incriminating) e-mail for him methinks!
The weather looks awfully windy and threatening outside. I'm not very sure that the game will be canceled or not. But just incase, I'll need to get ready anyway..
Oh boy. The game's on.
Ouch. We did pretty poorly that last game. We lost 17-3, although I'm proud to say that I was on for all three of our points!
It did look like it was going to rain. In fact, it looked very threatening all night, but funny enough, the sun ended up peeking out of the clouds at the end of the night. Not for long though.
I played okay, I didn't make too many gaffes but I didn't play outstanding either. It's that confidence thing again methinks.
I went home afterward and continued in my "Knights of the Old Republic" quest.
Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 15:56:50 (UTC)
we powered down the router, brought it back up and then it was fine.
Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 16:02:19 (UTC)
Bah! *shakes fist*
Ah well, at least it works now.