I was doing a bit of surfing and came across an interesting PCIe primer on ArsTechnica. Mainly, I found out that PCI-X is not PCI Express.
Well, I've gotten a fair bit done on this entry form, although I still have to work on the backend. Hopefully that will be easy to do, because this front end was a pain. (So many exceptions to consider and I still think I missed a number of ways to really mess it up.)
Oh well, I should go to sleep soon.
Geez, it sounds as if someone's playing games at the office. I went hunting for the culprit and noticed that GL brought his kid to work. I guess you have the entertain children somehow right?
There was some sort of repaving being done in the parking lot at the arena we were playing at and most of the traffic got shunted to a very small part of the parking lot. Unfortunately, that part of the lot was packed, and we had to continue around to the side of the building to find spots. I decided to continue on to the back of the building, hoping to find another way in and found that a bunch of people had parked in the middle of the cul-du-sac in front of the rear entrance (as well as on the steps of the rear entrance, but I digress). I decided to follow the crowd and parked in the middle of the street.
I played better than I usually do. I felt confident with my play and got some good rushes going, until halfway through the game when I fell and landed akwardly on my arm. I'm not sure if it was because of the way I was holding my hockey stick, but my arm got extended at an angle that it wasn't designed to bend, and I felt one of my pectoral muscles/ligaments stretch as my limb reached maximum extension. It hurt, but it wasn't the rolling around "I think I'm going to die" type of pain. But it hurt, and I couldn't move for some time.
Fortunately, I didn't pop anything, and I don't think I broke anything. It was just a little subluxation and some rest and ice (and compression and elevation) was all I really needed. I didn't really give myself either. I got back on the ice near the end of the game for one more shift, but it was all good.
We won the game pretty convincingly without my help, so I didn't feel so bad. We went out for snacks afterward and then I went home.