While I was fishing for the sunglasses in the car, I noticed that most of the garbage and stray bits of paper that used to litter the dash/seats/flooring had been cleaned up! I was quite impressed that girl finally got around to cleaning out some of that stuff. Then I noticed something different. There were spots on the seat. Closer examination revelaed that it was dirt. Actually, there was dirt on the flooring as well as the dash, and median, and.. well, what the heck was she doing? Shagging the swamp thing in the front seat?!? *wipes off some dirt*
Time to grab that dust buster.. (Woo.. Woo!)
Wednesday, June 06, 2001 at 21:11:35 (UTC)
Are you time travelling again?? Hmmm.. more likely your cpu clock is off...
MyNameIsNotBorghelios <e-mail>