My link editing and menu adjustments ended up breaking some of the links, XHTML and CSS I had on this page. It's taken me a couple of hours to fix most of it. I still have to make some minor adjustments to get the accessibility validation, but I'm mostly done.
I came across a fieldset tag which is used in XHTML to group objects together in a form. No wonder why my forms didn't validate! I got around it by using divs instead.
I was able to make some minor modifications to my forms to make them priority three accessible. Unfortunately, I still get a warning for two priority three checkpoints:
Rule: 9.4.1 - All Anchor, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT and TEXTAREA elements are required to use the 'tabindex' attribute.
Rule: 9.5.1 - All Anchor, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, LEGEND, and TEXTAREA elements are required to use the 'accesskey' attribute.
All Anchors? Are you nuts?
I just spent the past few hours spell checking some old entries. I have gone through one year of entries, and now I have five more years to check!
I'm very tempted to give up this quest, but it is doable, and I'm going to do it!
I was planning on shopping, but my bike was trapped, so I convinced myself not to go out. I'll ride to curling though.