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[1:54 AM EDT - Joey, baby - don't get crazy.]

I wasn't interested in her at all. I already spent way too much money, and I didn't find her overly attractive. (Yes, yes, books and covers, etc.)

After introducing ourselves we talked about my name for a bit. She then suggested that I use a stage name instead and gave me the moniker "The Rock" which I didn't really think fit, although probably was something she picked up from another girl.

I was never good with small talk and she asked the usual questions like: "What kind of girls do you like?" which I threw back at her with "What kind of guys do you like?" and she replied with the usual "I like nice guys.". Well, I like nice girls, but what's a nice guy? So she rambled off the usual girly list of sensitive, caring, etc. But one adjective that stick in my head was: sincere.

Considering the type of establishment, I found that adjective quite a curious addition, but paid little heed when she asked me what I thought a nice girl was. I rambled off some pretty nonsensical stuff because I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk.

I really wanted to know why she was in this line of business (why any of them were actually) but I didn't feel like pressing and just asked what she did on her spare time. I honestly don't remember anything she said except for: "I play computer games".

That certainly caught my attention, but the vast majority of the girls that I've talked to who say they play computer games are usually console gamers. We got to talking about games and she brought up the fact that she played on line, and usually posed as a guy. Then she brought up Civilization, and the problems she had with running Civilization IV. Now this was really interesting to me, and we continued talking about games, hardware, and on line gaming.

I found out that she had a web page, but she got a little uncomfortable with the subject, so I decided not to ask what her URL was. I got up for a little pee break and when I got back she was saying how much of a geek she was. So I told her that she was the best looking geek that I've ever seen.

She didn't want a drink, so I was at a loss as to what to do, so I apologized for taking up all her time. That's when she asked for the time, and told me that she had a show to do and got up. (I knew she was coming back because she left her towel.)

I needed to get more money so I went out to the bank machine outside, and when I got back, she asked me what kind of music I liked.

Well, anyone who knows me knows that I have a rather eclectic taste in music. But I went with the old standby: Dance. She asked me if I liked anything else, and I blanked. Eventually, I told her that I liked anything but country. I wasn't sure where this was going, but she went to do her show and I was scolded for not asking for a dance considering how much time she spent with me. I had forgotten that it was just about closing time, but I shrugged it off and went down to watch.

It was already last call, so the place was getting fairly empty, and I was one of the few guys sitting at the front. She gave a good show, and did some pole climbing that I only saw Alexis do before (although I never saw her first show).

When I got up to go back upstairs, one of the guys near me got up at the same time and also headed upstairs. He seemed a little agitated, so I beat him to the stairs.

I found Joey lying prone, with just her wings, on the couch trying to catch her breath. I recalled that she did exactly the same thing after her previous show, so I checked on her and noticed that all the guys were watching. That's when she told me that she didn't want to use a dance song because all of the other girls were using dance songs and hoped that I was okay with the songs that she chose. I was alright of course, they were fine songs. (The first was from Sum 41 I think.) I also told her that she had a good show, and I asked her for a dance.

This is important, because I've never asked for a dance before. They've always come up to me.

After we were done, she got up and commented about the song that was being played (Joey by Concrete Blonde). She said that the DJ was trying to be funny.

She thanked me by name, and asked if I had a good time (of course). I asked if she had a good time (of course).

I wanted to talk to her a bit longer, but the agitated guy I saw earlier came up to her and asked for a dance, so I decided to leave it at that.

I've done this before, and I usually leave with just a lighter wallet. You pay for the entertainment and don't expect anything else out of it. Previously, I've left feeling a little empty, and if it wasn't for Joey, I would've felt the same way this time. I had a good time, and now I have a better idea what kind of girls I would like to be with.

Will I go back? I don't know if this is a one of sort of deal, but if I do go back I'll only see her one more time so that I can say good bye. I wouldn't want to keep meeting a girl like her in a place like that.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:31 EDT

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