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[12:24 AM EDT - So full..]

I ate way too much.


[Monday, October 9, 2006: The calm before the reception.]

The wedding, as I found out later, was not until the afternoon, so I didn't need to rush out of bed this morning. I had planned to put on the tuxedo before going out, but changed my mind as I still had some errands to do (like buying a wedding card).

I arrived at the hotel after lunch and started changing while testing out the projector (by showing some Russell Peters).

Soon after we had changed, we headed down to the lobby and gathered with the rest of the wedding party to head down to the park for some wedding pictures. I had TT and GT in my car, and knew my way around the city, so I wasn't worried about getting lost. I decided to take up the rear of the convoy and after a while, saw a hand waving me forward from the minivan in front. I was curious as to the reason why, and when I passed, discovered that the rest of the convoy was gone!

I took the lead and brought us safely to the park, although I apparently ran through a red light. I don't remember doing it, and my passengers didn't say anything. Were we all distracted by the same thing? I was pretty lucky if I did, since nobody got hurt. It seemed as if the light was actually in the process of turning green, which was good for us.

We spent the next hour or so taking pictures of the family and the wedding party. Yeah, pretty boring stuff. We rushed back as quickly as we could as we were running late. The bride and groom stayed behind to finish off the photos, which meant that we couldn't start the wedding anyway until they showed up.

There were a lot of people there who I recognized, but I was in the middle of trying to get organized and oriented that I didn't have much time to socialize. I was also worried about the reception since GT and I were so unprepared.

The ceremony went well though, and the time flew by quickly enough. While I was sitting down, KW was walking around with his camera and making cracks every now and then. One of Growly's cousins leaned over and commented,

"A funny uncle. Every family has one."

Several minutes later, LW started making jokes during the tea ceremony and Growly's cousin said,

"The funny uncle again. Wait, they have TWO funny uncles?!?"

I guess we have a funny family?

The ceremony ended, and with that the worrying began. GT and I got together and spent the next frantic hour trying to figure out our game plan..


[Tuesday, October 17, 2006: Here comes the reception.]

With the wedding ceremony over, it was now time for the masters of ceremony to take over and run the show. Seeing as we were not prepared in the slightest, I was a bit worried. It took us several minutes to pick up the equipment that we needed for the party, and we spent many agonizing minutes looking for the scripts that GT printed out. We eventually gave up, hoping that someone may have accidentally brought it downstairs already.

We got to the party room and started to get ready. I had no time to mingle with the crowd as we were on a tight schedule. Growly had brought our scripts down with the seating arrangements, so we had our timetable. We had forgotten a table for the projector, extension cords, and the projector screen as well. In addition, I was being called up because of last minute seating changes. The first one actually didn't go through me, so when I went up to the hotel representative, I was surprised to see that they were already moving the chairs around. I realized as I approached that the changes being made weren't the ones I was told to make, so I talked with her and she was a little reluctant to make the change. I wasn't surprised, she had just made another change. I told her that it probably wouldn't happen again.


While I was trying to figure out how to raise the projector screen, I was told about another seating change, this time for some bigwig at Dangerman's old company. I took a look at the seating arrangement and realized that the tables were next to each other and figured that it wasn't that big a deal, especially when I was waved down by VW who told me that the seating change that was made should be undone and an extra chair added.


Aren't invitations sent out, and RSVPs made so that these types of things do NOT happen?!? So I went back to the hotel representative and explained the situation. It was actually pretty good since it evened out the tables a bit.

During this time, we were setting up the projector and one of the waiters asked us why we weren't using the wall as a screen since it was used in previous parties.

<- looks at wall.

Why didn't I think of that?!?

That was a great suggestion and we were able to get the screen large enough so that people could see. (The projection screen was much too small.) Oh, the DJ helped us out by lending us an extension cord and finding a table for us to place the projector.

We were still setting up the laptop when we were told how late we were, so I decided to let the people in. (We would still have several minutes to prepare.) Just as I thought we were ready to start, I got called over by my mom. Apparently WY wasn't assigned a table. Her daughter was assigned to the kid's table, but she wasn't on the list. Argh!

We were fortunate that there were two MCs, so I let GT have the honours of starting the reception (although I actually didn't have much of a speaking part anyway) while I looked through my outdated seating list to find a spot for WY. My list didn't have her on it, but there was a seat available at the singles table so I sent her there. Problem solved!

Once things got rolling, I got a lot less nervous and nothing blew up (to my knowledge). I was worried that we didn't have enough material to keep the audience busy, but realized later that we had more than enough. (Although I wanted to use the Borat letter which someone else was supposed to write!)

I must admit that GT did basically all of the organizing. All I did was tell stupid jokes and pull a few gags so that people didn't know that we were running late.

There's actually a video of the event, which I should track down and destroy. I didn't realize that someone was actually filming us! As such, I won't go into the details of the event itself. I'm just glad that SC didn't suggest that the MC would have to kiss if their table got the question right (as opposed to wrong). The audience could have been more receptive to that, and I would've been in a tight corner.

The response to the reception was pretty good! There was was only one negative comment from KK,

"Your jokes were lame!"

I don't disagree. But that's me!


[Wednesday, October 18, 2006: But first we dance!]

With the reception winding down, and the bar open, it was time for the first dance. I could finally relax and consider myself done for the night.

I spent some time walking around greeting everybody, but weddings such as this one, I knew just about everybody so I couldn't spend a lot of time in any one place. After the first couple of dances, the dance floor was opened to the group and GT and I went on for a job well done!

I took a break from dancing to get a drink. I was going to pick up some orange juice but I was accosted by Pokey and SN. The two girls were partying it up with the guys, and they were doing shots. Of course, Pokey dragged me in and told me to join in. I, uh.. kindly refused, and asked for an orange juice instead.

Pokey being Pokey doesn't take no for an answer. She put a glass in my hand and told me to "drink it up". I was able to waffle and deflect for a few more minutes before I decided to humor them and brought the glass up to my mouth. Pokey immediately raised the bottom of the glass, and the shot went down. Some of it went on my face and down my tuxedo, but I immediately felt a burning sensation down my throat. Then my stomach started to burn. So I walked away before I was forced to take another one..

I got back on the dance floor and saw AJ giving KarmicMayan some swinging lessons. I jumped in and took the position of the male partner. It was pretty basic, for the guy, but it was fun considering that I couldn't actually see the kid as being a dancing type of person.

I was able to talk to MK and JK for a bit. JK wasn't in a dancing mood, and they had to leave early because of another wedding they were going to the next day! I was, however, able to get us all together for yet another group shot. (I was too busy before the reception and girl was on the dance floor for the entire duration of the dance.)

During one of the slow songs, I tried to get off the dance floor but I got accosted by Tenshi and she started doing some crazy dancing moves. What could I do? I had to oblige. Well, as well as I could have obliged. The twist was fun though. My formal training is rather limited, although I wouldn't mind learning more..

The dance floor was pretty busy for the entire night. One of the secrets behind that was passed along to girl from MT: As long as the bride is on the dance floor, she will never be left alone. It worked at MT's wedding and it worked at this one. Keep that in mind you would be brides!

I took breaks every now and then, but there were some people on the dance floor for most of the duration of the dance. VW for example was certainly showing his moves. Mind you, he was pretty drunk, and reminded me of CM, but it was certainly entertaining to watch.

Getting nearer to the end of the dance, Pokey came up to me to say goodbye and to tell me to keep an eye on S because the poor girl was pissed drunk and got sick from inhaling cigar smoke. I promised that I'd check up on her. (We did, but nobody responded to the door. She was apparently fine the next day.)

When the last dance was called, I was determined not the be accosted like last time so I tried to ask someone for a dance.. but she walked away.


Fortunately TS was there so at least I finished off the night with a cute girl. During our discussion I asked her about the socks, and she replied,

"That's just for my look."

It certainly is. *wiggles eyebrows*

I hung around until the end, helping with the clean up process and chatting with those that stayed behind. I made a deal with BL and found out that the centre pieces were actually supposed to be given away! Doh! I took one home with me.

I had a lot of fun that night. It's not often that the entire clan gets together and gets to dance around like that. Even some of the kids came onto the dance floor to show off some moves.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:07 EDT

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