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[Sunday, October 8, 2006: Floating bachelor party.]

The bachelor party for Dangerman was scheduled for tonight. I spent most of the day indoors, because the weather was poor and we were waiting for Dangerman's luggage to arrive.

They had come in the night before, but their luggage didn't make it in on the same flight as them, so they were told that the airline would ship it directly to their place (which was my place) either that night or the next morning.

We had gone out for lunch with GT and TT, went shopping for clothes and came back without any news of the luggage. Dangerman spent the next several hours trying to get some information as to the location of the luggage and the expected delivery time.

Let's just say that the luggage arrived a lot later than they had promised. We were late for the boating tour.

To top it off, in addition to the poor weather, a number of people had to cancel at the last minute. We were down to Laz, MG, Dangerman, and I. There was a big possibility that Growly was not going to show up, which would have been bad since he was the one organizing it, but in the end, it the five of us did eventually make it down to the docks, an hour late.

The people down there were friendly enough, considering the weather, but just standing around on the docks was enough of an indication on how the night would go as we were all cold and wet. The wind chilled my legs and hands, and the rain soaked through all of my clothing. It could only get worse in the open and choppy waters.

It started off easily enough, and I was curious as to how these sail boats worked. We had some fun changing tack and sailing around the harbour. The wind was strong enough to push us forward at a few knots and we were able to slip out of the harbour with no issues (apart from the cold and dampness).

Once we got out into the open waters, things changed a bit. First of all, it got dark, and the rolling boat did not mix well with my stomach. I was able to control it for the most part, but when I tried to take a photograph, a wave of nausea hit me and I was never the same afterwards. Fortunately, the cold kept my mind off of my churning stomach and I did not make a mess on (or off) the boat. The wind was stronger outside, and our average speed nearly doubled. However, the waves were also larger and current stronger so I don't know if we were making any faster progress.

Reg took the helm for a part of the harbour jaunt, but Laz was pretty much helmsman for the rest of the tour. None of the rest of us had warm enough hands to want to hold on to the cold wheel in these conditions. We did help out with the ropes though, in between breaks down below where we could warm up for a bit. It wasn't heated inside, but we were protected from the wind.

The view was very nice, and had the weather cooperated, we could have enjoyed it a bit more. But the strong winds pushed the boat around, and blew up large waves that knocked us around so that most of our time and effort was spent hanging on for dear life.

Okay, maybe we weren't in any physical danger since the tour guide seemed calm enough (apparently the weather was worse in the afternoon), but for us landlubbers, this sea (lake actually) was enough for me.

I was quite happy when we slipped back into the harbour, although very disconcerted that a large number of navigation buoys were out of commission. Despite the reduction of my night vision, I was quite happy that I was able to make out a number of them long before we came up to them.

We got back onto land and had planned to go out on the town after drying off and changing, but when we got to Laz's place, Dangerman crashed on the couch, Growly crashed on the floor, and Laz and I watched Clone Wars. MG went home and promptly got sick, while the rest of us were still woozy from the rolling waters. Laz himself felt the room moving once he sat down.

Needless to say, we went home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:25 EDT

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