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[Saturday, March 24, 2007: It was a busy day..]

I had a number of things scheduled for today. First off was a baby shower for KH and DeeL. The shower was being held downtown so I decided to take the rocket down rather than drive. I wanted to ride my motorcycle, but I had no way to carry the present down and driving was not a good alternative.

The weather was good though, so I was able to walk to the station. No buses passed me either, so walking was a very good choice. It had snowed the night before, so there was a thick layer of fluffy white stuff on the ground. By the time I got outside, most of the walks had been cleared, and a lot of the snow was melting. I did happen across a number of people who were still clearing their driveways. One woman in particular was shoveling the snow off of her property and threw it onto the road. This was actually a poor decision as a passing car drove through the wet slush and delivered a wave of cold and icy water at her and me as I passed by. We both got hit, but what could I do? I chuckled and continued walking.

I cannot remember if it was today or not, but I recall talking to an employee behind a cash register who had the smallest head. It was as if he had crossed some witch doctor at some point in time. I tried not to stare, but you need to look at one's face to talk to them no?

Anyway, I got downtown without incident, but showed up late. The party was okay, and I got to meet a bunch of people I had not seen in a while. One conversation of note occurred near the beginning. One of DeeL's coworkers was talking and she was saying something about the downsides of being single. I wanted to say something along the lines of "How could someone who looks like you be single?" But I did not have the guts. I held my tongue.

Actually, I do know at least one other girl who is pretty hot, but always seems to be single. Well, she is a little crazy..

Before I go off on a complete tangent.. I was able to talk with MasterStorm, Stonaday and OMok as well and got fairly caught up. I had quite a number of clumsy incidents with the food though. One which involved launching some of my food that was on my fork at Stonaday. Then I ended up nearly dropping the plate which brought a terse,

"What is wrong with you?"

From MasterStorm.

I stayed at the party a lot longer than I had planned. The pub event was supposed to start at one, and I ended up staying at the shower until three. (I did end up helping them clean up afterwards.)

Fortunately, the pub group was planning to drink all day (and all night) long, so there was really no rush for me.

After I left the shower, I walked down to the Duke of.. something. But on the way down, I bumped into VC. It was rather unexpected, and curious since he had linked me on facebook just the day before. I chatted with him for a while and found out that he just picked up a model from Giant Robo. Wow, I did not think anyone else knew about that series. I did not chat for long before I continued my journey to the pub.

I got to the pub and noticed a lot of people at the door. I opened the door and inquired about the line up and was told that the bar was full. I decided to give theMediaman a call and find out what the heck was happening. When he picked up, he told me that the bar was half empty and they had a seat for me available and that I should talk to the door Nazi at the front to get me in. So I tried just that. I walked up to the lady and asked if I could be let in, but she told me that nobody was going in. Apparently she has heard every single excuse before so I was pretty much out of luck. I gave theMediaman another call and found out that they were actually viewable from the entrance!

I was stuck behind eight people, but I could do nothing but wait. Fortunately, a large group that was waiting in line ahead of me left, so I was only behind four. But even then, nobody from the bar left so I stood in line for about half an hour. (Laz on the other hand only waited for several minutes.)

Since I did not drink, I did not even order anything when I got inside. In addition, I had so much food at the baby shower brunch that I could not touch any food. I guess people like me do not actually garner them any money. Anyway, it was good to chat with theMediaman's group. It was a pretty small gathering: only six people including me (seven once Laz arrived). But there was lots of drinking, and lots of talking. Oh, there are pictures too. I will post a couple that I took.

I wanted to time my departure so that I could get home in time to make it up town by six. My timing was a little off and I got home around six. I did not actually know where she lived, so it took even more time to find the address and location. On top of that, we still did not know where we were going. Put two indecisive people together and you get..

I got up town in good time, and we spent the next fifteen minutes looking for a good Italian restaurant. This was something that had always bothered me: There are very few decent Italian restaurants near where I work. Because of that, it is pretty rare for us to ever go out to have a nice pasta lunch. Well, most places will have pasta, but I usually like going to a non-franchise Italian restaurant for Italian food.

In any case, we looked through a guide and found one. One! There were a whole bunch where I lived, but we were not going back to my neighborhood. We decided to go to that one restaurant, which was actually near by.

We got there and the place was full. We had no reservations (well yeah) but decided to wait it out. I felt a little under dressed actually in my jeans and T-shirt, but it wasn't like this was a date. The food was pretty good actually, although a little pricier than I would have liked. I had a good time though, and we shared a whole bunch of stories. I dropped her back off at home before I headed to hockey.

As was the theme for the day, I showed up late. But, our bench was pretty short so my late arrival was better than no arrival and I had a decent game. I was worried that my late meal would have interfered with my play, but I did a lot better than I thought I would. Mind you, I was a lot less tired at the beginning so that may have had something to do with it.

I went home afterwards, took a shower, and got some well needed rest.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:52:29 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)