I figured that this might happen. My income tax return is being audited for the medical expenses that I claimed last year. Now to collect all those receipts..
This was the first time I got home from work this summer where I walked into my apartment and felt that it was cooler inside. I should note that I turn off the air conditioning when I leave the condo to reduce my electricity usage so I usually come back home to a rather warm twenty-seven degree apartment.
With the temperature in the low thirties outside (excluding the sun and humidity), I found that even with the mesh jacket on that the ride back home was very sauna-like. Even the common areas were nigh-unbearable.
But after stepping into the dark cool cavern that I call home..
I have not even turned on the air conditioning yet.
Well, it does seem that having a cell phone makes me a target for work.
I knew that guy looked familiar. One of the protagonists of 'Live Free or Die Hard' is Justin Long who plays a Mac on the current Get a Mac ad campaign.
KK was kind enough to offer his services to swap my tires off of my damaged rims and on to my new rims. So I drove by his place and dropped off the rims and tires. Soon, soon! I will have my summer tires on in time for fall!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007 at 20:15:11 (UTC)
I got a notice saying I need to send in the receipts for my TTC passes. I've heard about other people getting audited for public transit receipts. I wonder if the Harper government got nailed for more deductions than they expected.
Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 14:45:15 (UTC)
Maybe they did not think that anybody took public transit? I am pretty sure they have some sort of automatic auditing check which compares values from previous years with amounts from this year (err, last year) which is why I was picked. I wonder if the public transit receipts fall into that category?