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[10:53 PM EDT - Not a fair weather rider.]

Well, I'm slowly getting over my fear of riding in the rain. I was supposed to meet up with the group out at Woodbine Racetrack for lunch and horse racing but the forecast predicted scattered showers for the day. It was overcast but it wasn't raining when I was looking outside, so I decided to take a risk and head out anyway on my bike. As soon as I got out of the garage, it started to rain. When I got onto the highway, it started to rain harder. By the time I got onto the expressway, it had turned into a torrent.

Fortunately for me, scattered showers usually indicates that these systems were small and localized, so I wasn't in the rain for very long. I wasn't in the clear for very long either. I ended up being in and out of rain all of the way there, but once I had gotten to the race track, the rain stopped.

I got there just about on time but didn't see anyone so I started wandering around. I tried calling people but nobody was picking up and I couldn't find anyone at any of the possible spots. I eventually wandered into a restaurant and was approached by a man telling me that the restaurant was still closed. Another man, some Asian dude, came up later and asked me if I was looking for SS. Well, I told him that I was (I wonder how he picked me out? Maybe the age, race, and attire?) and he told me that he would lead me to them! Lucky!

Since the main route was blocked, he took me through the service halls, into the kitchen, through a private bar, past a service room, and into a nice lounge where he told me they would be. They weren't there. I was assured that they would be there when they arrived, so I took a seat outside and looked out at the empty tracks.

To make a long story short, the group arrived (eventually), and we had some food (buffet style) and did some betting on the horses (I lost a couple of bucks), and then headed out. It was actually quite fun trying to figure out the best bets to make and beating the odds. I would've won a fair bit if I went with my hunches! *shakes fist*


[Tuesday, August 29, 2006: Finishing off the races.]

We didn't stay for all of the races that day. There were ten scheduled, but there were so many scratches on the last race that we decided to head out early. We decided to watch the remaining lawn race outside and see it close up.

When I got to the track that morning, the place was mostly empty, but it wasn't until we got outside when we realized how busy the place was! Most of the seats were filled, and there were lots of people milling about. The crowd was fairly well behaved, but as the horses rounded the last corner and came down the home stretch, you could hear the building excitement from the stands. It began as a low rumble and slowly built up into loud roar in time with the approach of the horses. In the final furlong, the spectators were screaming out loud, cheering on their horse, until the noise climaxed as the races crossed the finish line.

Immediately after the completion of the race, there was instant chaos on the track. We were standing next to the winner's box and a flood of police, trainers, and other people rushed onto the track. I was a bit confused as to what was occurring until I looked down and saw that one of the horses had gone down, taking his jockey with him. (It think it was a colt.)

It was fairly tense out there as the audience watched, but our group started heading out.

After watching the horses go round and round (round and round) a bunch of us went to a.. bar, for some.. entertainment.


[Monday, September 4, 2006: Having a (cannon) ball of a time.]

I had never been to this type of establishment, but I've seen more stuff on the Internet. (As we discussed during dinner on Thursday, the Internet is for pr0n.) There were two screens on either side of the stage. One was showing some hard core, while the other was showing the golf tournament.

The vast majority of the patrons were on the golf side watching the tournament.

To be honest, I wasn't interested in most of the girls who were on stage. In fact, there were only a few girls in the establishment that I found attractive. One who actually walked up to me. She must have caught me looking and took that as a cue. Oops. So we chatted for a bit (this one was a talker) and I introduced her to everyone, and we got her to do some dances for one of the guys. (Too bad, I would've liked talking with her.) Then I sat back down and watched the show.

Now, I'm not sure if it's a location thing, but there was this one chair next to me. It didn't matter who the heck was sitting the, but every ten minutes, a new girl would come over to hustle him. Is it the "I got money" chair? I dunno.

Anyway, there was one girl on the stage that did catch my eye, mostly because she looked awfully young. Well, as you may well know: Those who stare get hustled. She came up to me after her set and was all business, all action. (Very hands on and very sultry.) I was kind of hesitant, but I was goaded on by the rest of the guys (well, mostly one guy) so I figured that I might as well find out what all the hoopla was about. (Also, I wanted to check on the other guy.)


I can say now that I know what a lap dance is. To be honest, I've seen lap dances before. I just have not participated in one before. It was dark, so I couldn't really see anything, but she did show me everything and she was HOT. I had asked her what I could do (since I hadn't done this before) and she said that I could touch anywhere "but not her pussy". Well, what do you know? The weren't like bags of sand! (Just kidding! Just kidding!) They're real, and they're spectacular.

I can see the allure of having one (or many). However in the end, you're just pretending, and boy does it get expensive too. So yes, it was entertaining but not fulfilling. Although the next time I get a girl friend, I'll ask her if she'd like to.. uh.. take a course.

So when she asked if I wanted another song, I said "yes". Hey, she was good.

I didn't have much money, so I stopped after that. It was too bad since I got to talking with one of the other ladies (who had danced earlier) who I had been watching. This one was somewhat older and was telling me her life story. (I'm assuming that it was her life story.) But in the end she told me that the reason she was there was to ask if I wanted a dance, and since I didn't have money, I had to say "sorry".

Some of the other guys got some action as well, but I think I spent the least of the bunch. (Although the water was uber expensive.)

I went home after that. The weather had gotten much nicer after the rain and the ride home was uneventful.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:02 EDT

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