Whoa, it's thick out there. The fog that is. This is the thickest fog I've seen in a long time. I noticed how bad it was when I was approaching a red light. If it hadn't been for the cars stopped at the light, I might've gone right through without noticing. It was that bad! (Or my eyesight is getting worse.) Usually I can see the red lights from a good enough distance to make a good stop, but this time I decided to stick with a little convoy so that I didn't miss one..
And what is up with all of this CTRL-A e-mail?!? *quickly taps the D button*
Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 18:46:34 (UTC)
What, you haven't unsubscribed yet? :P
Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 03:03:13 (UTC)
Well, I figure it's the best way to get information one shows huh? Bah, not worth the bother is it?
Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 03:34:07 (UTC)
Well, up to you.
However, I don't think the exec list is considered important enough to be entrusted with schedules anymore, for example.