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[12:15 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Hotel boat.]

My dream yesterday was pretty vivid and long.

I found myself in a large hotel where I was staying on the ground floor. The room was littered with stuff and I was going out to on some errand. I got outside and found myself on a busy wide sidewalk in the middle of some downtown neighborhood. I can not recall why I wanted to go back into the hotel, but I think I might have forgotten something.

When I got back in, I noticed that Derelict was in line to get to the top floors in the hotel. I think the stairs he was on was going to the 29-37th floors. I only knew because there was a large vertical sign lit with light bulbs around the edges. Those signs were similar to ones you might see downtown in some of the older parts of the city.

In any case, I conjectured that the newer floors were attached to the building after the hotel was built. I recalled Derelict telling me that the stairs were on the outside of the building. This implied that these floors were added afterward. But adding so many floors to the building would put a lot of extra strain to the structure. I began to worry if the hotel could actually bear the strain of all of those floors.

As if to add to my trepidation, the stairwell that I was taking up to my room felt like bed mattresses. There were no stairs actually. It was just one gigantic square ramp that had a very bouncy floor. When I got to the room, I found that the place was overly cluttered, and that there were lights, lanterns I think, lined up in pairs on the ground where the floor was clear. As I walked in between them, the lanterns would go out. I realized then that I was in the wrong room, and that I did not have to go up that crazy stairwell.

I began to go back downstairs, but paused as there was a large gap in the ramp. Another guy who was bouncing down behind me leaped and landed on the other side of the gap. The divide was probably four feet across, and six feet down. However, I was barely staying on the ramp itself since it was so steep. If I tried to reposition my feet to jump, I was afraid of slipping down into the break and into the darkness. It was when I was determining my next move when the bouncy guy bounced back onto my ramp the way I was facing (I was facing perpendicular to the line of fall) and onto another ramp that was also going down to the next floor. Why did I not see that part of the stairwell?!? I tried to take a step towards the other ramp but I slipped closer to the edge. This was not good.

I have no idea how I got out of that predicament, but I found myself on a boat on the 'Confederation Bridge'. We were allowing cars to get onto the ferry via a bridge between the rear boat and the boat that we were on. The cars were lined up two by two on the ramp, but they acted like mice. The person I was helping was directing traffic. I think she got angry with one car and did something to it. It scared the other cars into submission. When she walked back towards the link, the cars backed up and let her stand in the middle.

I was looking outside and noticed that the bridge was swaying back and forth. The lady who I was helping told me that the bridge was designed for side to side motion, but not back and forth motion. We had to get out of there quickly. As if to emphasize that point, the boat suddenly angled up to around thirty degrees, as the bridge at the nose of the boat had risen so much.

At that point our boat and the boat behind us with all the cars began to slide backwards. We slid back into the port with the car boat hitting against the pier. I was worried that it might capsize from the damage, but fortunately both boats stayed afloat.


[Saturday, September 6, 2008: Let's go to the Ex (oh baby).]

Having the full group of girls together at a tourist location was not to be as N had to leave. The rest of us decided to walk down to the Ex from Union station since the street car lineup was monstrous. But first, we wanted to drop some items off in a locker so we would not have to carry so much stuff. I was adamant that there would be lockers at Union station. After many minutes of fruitless searches and inquiries, we discovered that there were lockers, but only for valid VIA ticket holders. Gah!

We walked with the stuff to the Ex.

There were, however, lockers at the Exhibition grounds, so we were able to drop off the goods. We went to eat first, then watch the RCMP horse show. When we stood for the national anthem, I took my cap off. What I had forgotten about was the fact that I had put my sunglasses on top of my cap and the glasses flew off. I only realized that they were gone after we had left the coliseum, and by the time I went back to our seating area they were gone. We picked up a cheap pair of sunglasses so that I could get through the rest of the day.

We met up with more people and that was when I had another Squishy lookalike sighting! This time, it was a Squishy and KB pair, but after staring for a minute at the back of their heads I knew I was wrong. Well, I was pretty sure I was wrong.

Oh, we were watching some belly dancing at that time, but there was no seating so after a few sets, our group went out to watch the rest of the air show. The Snow Birds were out by then so we stayed outside until the show completed. C had to catch a bus, so we decided to leave the Ex.

Three of us planned to walk to Chinatown while the rest saw C off. We had not decided on where to eat, but when we got there, we found out that C had missed the bus and was waiting for the next one. That gave the rest of us some time to relax at Starbucks before heading to Hosu.

The food was not as good as it was before, except for the bulgogi (which was pretty much the same).

After dinner, the three of us went back to my place where we watched 'Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay' before I called it a night.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:04 EDT

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