I skipped hockey today so that I could rest my hand. I also had a oil change appointment for my car, and took the opportunity to hand the ownership card for my GT-S to R. The timing was pretty good: I dropped off the car, and walked over to the shop. Along the way, I saw some girl guides holding some sort of car wash fund raising thing. If my car wasn't getting maintained, I probably would've gotten it cleaned by them. Oh well. The weather was hot, and the nice walk actually turned out to me a little more strenuous than I had anticipated. But the timing was very good. I was only in the mall for several minutes before I got the call that my car was done.
I still had some time, so I headed out to the rink to catch the last half of the game. I was worried that my team would lose since we were missing a number of our big players, and the other team had their big guns. So I was very much surprised to hear that we were winning when I got there. Who would've thunk?
I went out to lunch with some of them afterward. ("Where we saw you and your girlfriend." CC said when I asked him which restaurant.) After that, I went home.
I had some time to kill before the birthday party, so I actually had some time to clean up the condo and get the toaster and microwave (which I got from girl as a birthday present) set up. I ended up washing one of the counters and getting things arranged. It doesn't fit quite right though, but I don't think I can do much about it.
I headed out to BT's birthday party. I was stunned when I saw the number of kids there. Well, I was stunned since I guess I wasn't expecting it. But I had arrived just in time for the food, so I chowed down. Eventually girl and JW showed up, but apart from that, most of our generation didn't show up though. It was all good. I had a lot of food.