Well, so much for the balmy spring weather we've been having for the past week. Temperatures have dropped yet again. Snow should be following soon too no?
Oh, I heard on the radio the morning the question of the day:
Seventy-eight percent of men (and 82% of women) would settle for mediocre sex of their partner had this quality.
Again, this could be North Americocentric.
Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 19:22:35 (UTC)
greetings from italia!!
transmitting from the heart of florence with a puzzle. :) the main church here has a huuuuge impressive dome which was completed without using any scaffolding. i mean huge.. you can prop up any sides with a wood plank or anything like that! and it aint no igloo!! any guesses? answer to come when i come home. ciao!
Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 01:09:17 (UTC)
morbidly obese?
I won't answer girl's 'cuz I saw a show about it on the learning channel. ;-)