Wow, so the weather has been so nice for the past week. I ended up riding all week (except for Monday).
Actually, I do not know why I am bothering to link dates now since my entries are so sparse. The likelihood of me actually having an entry on that date is very low if it was some time this year.
Ah well. I am at MJNL's parent's place right now. Stayed the night actually, but we did not get here until really late since I had to get some stuff done at home. But we have some chores to do while we are here.
I also have to go into work tomorrow. Joy.
Oh hey, the TTC is on strike. What the hey? I guess we have some planning to do.
This xkcd strip reminds me of theMediaman.
Well, this is not a full diagnosis, but there are four links on Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex I got from Jeanious: 1, 2, 3, and 4.