I just got back from the hospital. HBK went in because he hurt his knee during our game. We think it might be an ACL or MCL. That would suck.
The season's over! I actually will have weekends again! Yahoo!
Well, this was the last day of the season for skiing. I wasn't all too worried about manpower since I expected that the free food would lure some people out to the hill. I was right, for the most part. We had an okay showing for lunch, but I was over estimating the amount of food we would need. Fortunately, I kept that number in my head, and the amount of food that we actually got was fairly close to what we needed! Woot!
The day was okay. No major incidents, and the snow was slow and sloppy. I've got a lot of paperwork to go through, and I need to inform everyone of what's going on in the next month.
I guess the work's not over yet?