I am trying to write an update online over my iPad but the keyboard still takes some getting used to. For one, I am trying to avoid using apostrophes anywhere. In any case, MJNL and I had the day off today, so we stayed at my parents' (gah apostrophe!) place overnight because I was able to reschedule my car appointment for Friday. I had an appointment next week but due to the borked ventilation, that had to get pushed up.
So I found out that my car had more problems than just the busted resistor for the fan, but fortunately it was mostly covered under warranty. The only problem is that the repairs will not get done until Monday! Luckily we were given a rental (a CSX actually) so things are still good.
I really should not be doing this on my lap. It is a pain in the neck!
Okay, I think it is time to see if this will get uploaded properly or not.. (not that I use flash on my site, although I had planned on adding it a decade ago.. Time to upgrade to HTML 5!)
Monday, July 26, 2010 at 21:23:30 (UTC)
It's good to see the iPad is such an enabler technology-wise. Who needs apostrophes?