I was scheduled to patrol tonight, but I ended up late because of work. There was a whole bunch of stuff I printed out that I needed to post at the hill, but I forgot it at work! I did this many times now. I would print out something for a meeting or to display, and I would put it down on the desk, fully prepared to bring it along with me when I left the office. After I packed up, I would leave and by then I had completely forgotten about it!
I've been doing that quite a number of times now, ever since I lost my old laptop. Ah well, I guess I'll have to work at remembering next time?
The night was good, we ended up getting BS on hill trained. I ended up being the guinea pig. It was my first time on a toboggan, and although I was a little worried after the unloaded run, the ride was smooth and good. No issues! Yay!
Oh yeah, there are even more pot holes on the roads these days..