While I was shopping yesterday, I decided to walk into the EB store to check out Derelict's story about EB slowly phasing out their PC game stock. When I walked inside, the store was manned (and I use that term loosely) but a couple of young teens. One looked at me and asked politely,
"How can I help you sir?"
Sir? Oh man, I did not think that I was.. that..
<- counts fingers.
I guess I am nearly twice the kid's age. Yes, that makes me a sir. Yes, I am old.
Oh yeah, when I got back to the condo, the concierge asked me how my wife was doing since he had not seen her in a while.
Getting old.
Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 14:21:14 (UTC)
At least he didn't address you as "sirrah" or "yes'm". Ahh, memories of high school English...
In about 30 years you'll suddenly realize, to your everlasting horror...that you qualify for the senior's discount.
You should have replied to your concierge: "actually, we're common law".
Grinning Reaper
Monday, March 16, 2009 at 12:08:34 (UTC)
Yeah, I guess we are more than half-way to a seniors discount..