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[8:24 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Derelict Motorcycle.]

I had two dreams that I remembered parts from from the past week. The first one was from several nights ago. I was in a derelict building, that looked like it was bombed out in a war. One wall was completely removed and the interior of each floor was strewn with rubble. There was a group of us and we were tasked to meander through the wreckage to get out of the building and over to another, less damaged building.

It felt like some third person maze game as I had to pick my way around all of the garbage and debris that was lying around. Some older lady was ahead of me, but was having trouble getting through. I managed to get out in a timely manner.

The second dream took place the next night. I found myself riding my motorcycle at night, and the engine would keep dying on me. If I switched to a higher gear, I would be able to get the bike moving again, but eventually nothing would start it up again so I had to stop on the side of the road.

Since it was late at night, no motorcycle shops would be open, so I parked my bike in the parking lot of an industrial lot and found one shop in a phone book. After a quick call, I was able to get some guy to agree to take a look at the bike in an hour. Until then, I needed to find some transportation. I called up my dad, who picked me up, and we drove down the road. As we passed over a bridge, I saw some lights in the distance on the right hand side so I told my dad to drive on the left. The lights belonged to a group of bicyclers who were actually some relatives of mine going to watch some show by the beach. I could not join them because of my bike problems.

Eventually, my dad was able to drive to the shop, and he waited inside while I walked back to the bike to bring it over. When I got to the lot, I could not find my bike! I looked at the spot where I thought I had parked it and found a number of dimes and some debris on the ground. I kept the dimes, but could not piece together where my bike could have gone. One thought that crossed my mind was that two burly men could have picked up the motorcycle and taken off with it in a truck.

No sooner did I think that when two burly men walked out from one of the offices of the industrial complex. I was alone, and I little at a disadvantage, but after talking with the two, they told me that they took my bike into the shop that was there. I did not realize that there was a motorcycle shop there, nor that it was open so late an hour, but I walked in and saw quite a bit of commotion inside.

There was one guy who was fixing bikes, and a few other people helping him. They were working on this one bike which was the same colour as mine, but was not my bike. I inquired about my bike, and they told me that it probably was in the back and went to retrieve it. They brought back bike after bike, but none were mine. I began to worry that my bike was not here..


[10:53 AM EDT - Driving Conditions: Second pump works.]

I went shopping this morning for a phone. This phone was actually on sale from Canadian Tire so I wanted to get to the store early before they sold out. I was also looking at some cheap hockey pants and to fill up on gas for my bike, and everything seemed to fit with the nice early morning weather we had.

It took a while to find the phone. It was not stocked with the rest of the phones, but was out on display and for some reason I passed by and never noticed it. It was only when I came back with an employee that I saw over a dozen of them on the top shelf, right at eye level.

I do not feel too bad about that since another two customers also walked by the display without seeing it.

The pants were a bust however, since they did not have any in my size.

I forgot to fill up on gas until I was passing the gas station. I realized my folly and turned off on a side street to come back. As I waited at the light, I realized that I was not positioned on top of the sensor pad which could have been an issue had a van not followed up behind me. I was patting myself on the back for my luck when I saw the traffic lights go of.

I blinked and thought that the light had burned out, but when I looked at the other set of lights, I realized that the whole intersection was out of power. Well, this allowed me to treat the intersection as a four-way stop so I inched in, waited for traffic to stop and headed to the gas station.

I pulled in, wondering why the television screens and displays were off, but the LCD displays were still on. I figured that I could still pump up when the employee opened the door and told me that the power was out.

Gah! The whole block was out of power?!?

The amount of time I wasted making my U-turn was more than enough to fill up my tiny tank! Mind you, I wonder what would have happened if the power went out while I was in mid pump? Would I have been charged? Could I pump and dash?

Well, those thoughts did not help me with my current situation of needing to fill up, so I rode along the street, going through a number of powerless traffic lights, until I reached a major intersection. Now the other lights I went through were no problem since there was no traffic. This one was a little more difficult since there was a fair bit of traffic. A police cruiser was parked at the corner parking lot, but I did not see any cops around, and nobody was directing traffic. I squeezed in my left turn and got out of there quickly.

After filling up my tank at another gas station, I decided to avoid that light altogether and took some residential roads back to the condo.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:56 EDT

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