Yes, it is that time of the year to start training. Training for the half-marathon that is!
No, not for me.
MJNL wants to do the half-marathon later this year, and I'm encouraging her to try for it! As a consequence, I would also have to "keep her motivated" during the training regimen which effectively means that I have to do some sort of training too. Joy.
Well, a half-hour bike and a half-hour walk was a good start. We will see what the rest of the week brings..
Monday, July 06, 2009 at 01:51:49 (UTC)
Hmm, if you don't mind having your manhood questioned, you could perhaps ride a bike while she trains?
OTOH, there's nothing like running with a superior runner to bring out the runner's high. (Yes, I've experienced it and yes, I nearly died while trying to keep up with a much-fitter-than-myself jogger).
Grinning Reaper
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 at 13:33:15 (UTC)
Actually, that was what I was thinking. I would have a bull horn, ride behind her, and keep telling her to run harder. Or just keep chanting the Rocky theme.
Well, we have not done that much exercise in a while, so I think it is time to hit the gym again..