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[5:48 AM PDT - Two month recap.]

Well, it has been over a month since the last entry, and that entry basically mentioned that it had been a month since the prior entry, etc.

So I have not been able to keep this site up to date for the past several months now, and the relevancy of the site seems to escape me now that I have less time and drive to keep this place current.

MJO suggested using twitter as a more useful and simpler way to maintain some sort of way to keep people up to date without requiring too much effort to compose something comprehensible. Something along my .plan entries many years ago.

Although a good idea, I still don't feel any urgency to keep the world abreast of what the heck I am doing at the moment anymore. I guess things do change after a decade.

In any case, MJNL and I have been going through Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's a good kid's show and I do find it entertaining. It was Dexter before that, and it too is a very good show, although not a lighthearted romp though a fictional Asian land. Other shows we have been keeping up with are Glee, which is fun and nostalgic especially since both of us know basically all of the songs that they play. The Big Bang Theory reminds me of what I was like before, taken to the Nth degree. 30 Rock, which has many funny moments. Lost which we only picked up because the series was ending and I was able to get the earlier episodes before the last season started. The Office and Heroes which MJNL was hooked on before I met her. She's not too interested in Heroes anymore, mostly because the writers did not seem to know what the heck they were doing after the first season. (I guess you can say something similar about Lost but I digress.)

I personally have been trying to get through The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett. I remember seeing many episodes when I was younger, but I had not been able to see the entire series. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the other show I have been keeping up with, and it seems to be wrapping up soon. I think. It is just as entertaining as the first series, if not more, and the difference between this one and the first series was so large, yet still so right does make this one of the best anime series that I have seen. (As an aside, apparently the mangaka gave the animators free reign to do what they wanted to do after they had already animated the manga that had been written by that point in time and they came up with an interesting take on how Ed and Al's adventures continued, and concluded.)

Moviewise we have not been seeing too much out in the theatres. The last one we saw was 'Date Night' with a her co-worker. Before then, I think it may have been 'Angels and Demons', but I do not recall. It had been that long.

For movies outside the theatre, we have been able to finally watch Avatar on Blu-Ray at MIBAgentQ's place, and at home (on our new LCD TV) we watched 'Good Hair', and 'Get Smart'. I can list many other movies, but that starts going back too far in time for me to remember (about a week).

Event wise, MJNL and I still have been going to badminton regularly on Wednesday nights. There is a friendly tournament taking place on the 19th that should prove to be entertaining, assuming that I can play for that long. I have been keeping up with hockey irregularly on Saturday nights, and Tuesday night broomball is now done for the season. I think I played around half a dozen times? Certainly a lot less than prior years, but half of that absence was due to our dancing lessons in the fall, which I think was a good investment of time and money. (Not that I can recall anything anymore.) We also did pick up a new player who brings yummy cookies each week.

MJNL has been working on average one Saturday a month, and has gone out to a number of courses during the weekend. The lone time I get is mostly spent catching up on shows that I know she would not like (like The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) or doing some chores that she can not really help with (like getting the bike ready). For times when she is free, more often than not, we have events with her family. Last week was her nephew's one month celebration. A month ago we spent quite some time at her parent's place to "see the baby".

For more one time events by ourselves, we went to the spa last Sunday at the Old Mill Inn. It was a relaxing experience, but I think I should have asked for a deeper massage, I was still a little sore afterward. MJNL certainly enjoyed the experience and wants to go for another spa outing this summer. Considering how much it costs, and what we need to save for the wedding, this may need to get pushed back. We were also going to go to Michigan to shop last month, but her nephew was just born so we ended up staying in town (and probably saving a lot of money). A couple of weeks ago we went to a tent sale in Barrie where we picked up a set of motorcycle equipment for her.

There certainly has been more going on, which I have left out mostly due to my poor memory, which brings up MJO's twitter idea again. Google has their Buzz as well, so as long as I can link it with the web site I guess I can make quick updates. Ideally I would find a single update to keep my Twitter, Buzz, Facebook status, and website in sync. I am sure it can be done. But it would take time to look up, and I did a quick search and did not find anything useful.

In any case, I will leave this as is for now. I have a conference to prepare for, or at least try to prepare for. (I will not be prepared.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:23:44 EDT

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