Located here are some proofs that I decided to write up as
well as my résumé and curriculum vitae. Keeping this
information up-to-date and consistent is a never ending chore, but
hey, I got a job, so I guess it's okay right?
Employment Information
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- Curriculum Vitae
- Literally, "the course of life", my CV lists all of my
major accomplishments since entering University.
- Résumé
- For those on a verbal or chronological diet, my
résumé is a short summary of my key skills and
Mathematical Proofs
- The Button Madness solution
- My solution to the game "Button Madness".
- Chinese Remainder Theorem Corollary
- This is a corollary that I developed with one of my classmates in
first year.
- The Number of Digits Problem
- A mathematical problem to determine a number where the value of
the digits determines the number of digits in that number.
- The Divisible Digits Problem
- Another problem to determine a number such that the first set of
digits is divisible by the number of digits in that set.
- Giant Pyramid Solution
- A solution to a 3D pyramid puzzle that I wrote using X3D.
High School Chess Games
As I was on the chess team during (all four years of) my high
school career, I ended up recording a lot of games that I played
during that time. I decided to post them here for posterity. (I wasn't
a particularly good player.)
- Grade 9
- Chess games that I played in grade 9.
- Grade 10
- Chess games that I played in grade 10.
- Grade 11
- Chess games that I played in grade 11.
- Grade 12
- Chess games that I played in grade 12.
- Undated
- Other chess games that I played in high school.