The original script can be found here, although I've modified the code somewhat to correct for bugs and for formatting purposes. I still need to make this thing work faster, and to work without javascript.

Not all of these games are complete, and I'm missing dates, places, and names for some of my matches. Unfortunately, I have no other resources to draw upon, so some games were corrected according to my best guess(es).

Event: Event
Venue: Location
Round: 4
Board: 1
White: Sandy Ng
Black: QYV

r n b q k b n r
p p p p p p p p
a b c d e f g h
Prev Next
White Black
Move No. Last Move Move No. Last Move
Move White Black Move White Black Move White Black
1 d2-d4 d7-d5 26 Bf3-d1 Bb4xc3 51 Ke3-f4 Bf5-e4
2 b2-b4 e7-e6 27 Bd2xc3 Rb3-b5 52 Kf4-e3 f6-f5
3 a2-a3 Ng8-f6 28 Bc3xa5 Nf6-e4 53 Ke3-f4 Kd6-e6
4 e2-e3 Bf8-d6 29 Ba5-c3 Ne4xc3 54 Kf4-e3 Ke6-f6
5 c2-c4 0-0 30 Qc1xc3 Qd7-b7 55 Ke3-f4 Kf6-g6
6 c4-c5 Bd6-e7 31 Bd1-c2 Rb5-b6 56 Kf4-e3 Kg6-g5
7 Ng1-f3 b7-b6 32 Qc3-e1 Rb6-b2 57 Ke3-f2 Kg5-g4
8 Qd1-c2 c7-c6 33 Qe1-c1 c4-c3 58 Kf2-e2 f5-f4
9 Bf1-d3 g7-g6 34 Bc2-d3 Qb7-b3 59 Ke2-f2 f4-f3
10 Nb1-c3 a7-a5 35 Ra1-b1 Bc6-a4 60 Kf2-g1 Kg4-g3
11 b4-b5 b6xc5 36 g2-g3 Rb2xb1 61 Kg1-f1 Be4-d3+
12 Ra1-b1 c5-c4 37 Qc1xb1 Qb3xb1 62 Kf1-e1 f3-f2+
13 Bd3-e2 Bc8-b7 38 Bd3xb1 c3-c2 63 Ke1-d2 f2-f1=Q
14 Nf3-e5 c6xb5 39 Bb1xc2 Ba4xc2 64 Kd2-c3 Qf1-e2
15 Nc3xb5 Nb8-c6 40 Kg1-g2 f7-f6 65 Kc3-b4 Qe2-c2
16 Ne5xc6 Bb7xc6 41 f2-f4 Kg8-f7 66 Kb4-a3 Bd3-c4
17 Nb5-c3 Qd8-d7 42 g3-g4 e6-e5 67 Ka3-b4 Qc2-b3+
18 Be2-f3 Rf8-b8 43 Kg2-f3 Bc2-e4+ 68 Kb4-c5 Qb3-e3
19 0-0 Rb8xb1 44 Kf3-e2 e5xf4 69 Kc5-b4 Qe3xd4
20 Qc2xb1 Be7-d6 45 e3xf4 Kf7-e6 70 Kb4-a5 Qd4-c5+
21 Bc1-d2 Ra8-b8 46 Ke2-e3 h7-h5 71 Ka5-a4 Qc5-b5+
22 Qb1-c2 Bd6xa3 47 h2-h3 h5xg4 72 Ka4-a3 Qb5-b3#
23 Rf1-a1 Rb8-b2 48 h3xg4 Ke6-d6
24 Qc2-d1 Ba3-b4 49 f4-f5 g6xf5
25 Qd1-c1 Rb2-b3 50 g4xf5 Be4xf5

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:22:29 EDT

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