For those of you who have never been to this site before, then
howdy! This section contains things about me as well as stuff that
doesn't really belong anywhere else on the site.
Stuff About Me
- My Names (Nick or Otherwise)
- A list of names that I've been called over the years.
- My Personality
- Results from some personality tests that I have taken.
- Songs Remembered
- There are a number of songs that elicit pretty strong flashbacks.
- My Vehicles
- Vehicles that I previously or currently own.
- My Wishlist
- Things I would really like to get.
Astrological Entertainment
- Natal Chart
- I generally don't believe in astrology, although I find it an entertaining distraction.
- Personal Portrait
- I originally found these descriptions at FlyingS's site. He had filled one out and posted it on his page. But like me, it was more for entertainment than as a guide.
- Love Life
- I noticed that there was also a section that would predict your love life so I was curious to see what the stars would say.
Local Sundries
- Axis and Allies Tactics
- These are some tactics I came up for the board game "Axis and Allies".
- A Rainbow Gem Ring
- Some information about a ring I want to put together.